Tuesday 18 March 2014


Internet Uses and Abuses: Internet: Internet is a global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using standardized communication protocols. The internet in now days has become so popular that everyone uses it for communication. It is like a tool which links people with each other. Internet started as a communication system for American military in late 1980s. American military used this internet first to communicate and transmit information in a closed building’s different computers. After this they performed a series of experiments and started communicating with each other widely. And at last this internet is commercialized for people use. In a very short span of time, it has linked together the whole world. It has made the whole world like a small village. As internet is like a web and has very vast information. It is like a big ocean. Now it’s onto the user that what he brings out of ocean that is internet. Many people consider internet a curse without censorship. Without censorship many things spin out of control. Some data is acceptable and some is not. Some good aspects of internet are that internet has reduced the distances very much. Internet has made communication easy especially abroad. Internet has a very good facility that is for the students. Students can study online. Students don’t have to go libraries for searching books. They can find any sort of book on internet with question and answer related to their topic. Internet has really changed the world. Internet provides any sort of information mere by one click. But beside these good aspects internet has also got some bad aspects. First of all, to check abuse of internet, we should keep a strict eye on children. We should check our children that what they are searching on internet and what they or not. Our children if not using internet in good way, then it might a big problem for the parents in the future. Hence, parents should keep an eye on children. Parents should only allow children to use internet on computer which is present in T.V lounge. They should use it in front of their parents of guardian supervision. Any misleading click on internet ads may spoil everything. A really bad abuse of internet is internet crime. Use of criminal activity is worse abuse. Hacking is one of them. Hackers hack people’s credit card and take their all money with few clicks. Some people also hack websites for stealing secret information. Any kind of secret information suppose or spoiling anything. Now days some people send virus files to other people so that is may spoil everything. These are worst abuses of internet. Presence of adult material like pornography is also a worse abuse. This flushes the people’s mind and destroys their minds. It’s very hard to set free if anyone get indulged. Some countries have censored these types of websites and even some countries have made software for omitting of pornographic things from internet. Countries like China made software which can’t be uninstall. Click on the following link for detail for some major internet abuses. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_abuse


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