Saturday, 10 May 2014


                                      ESSAY OUTLINE FOR NEGATIVE TOPICS

_________is one of the worst evils of today. It has spoiled man's peace of life. Life' has become very certain. Anything may happen, anywhere, any time. Life was never so unsafe ever before. Even the life of primitive man was not so miserable. Stress and strain has turned man half-dead. Life is getting poorer and poorer day by day. If not checked, this monster of _______ will destroy everything.
 Some foreign agencies are also blamed for the evil of ________ in our society. On state level, the evil of _________  becomes more horrible. The loss it causes is also very horrible. The fake friends of our country are eating into the roots of our politics, economy and peace of society. Sometimes, we feel that science has brought greater loss of life than comfort.


Life is only once. It should be made more and more comfortable and peaceful. We should see what role we can play in minimizing the evil of and in upgrading the standard of life. N.G.Os and International Organizations like U.N.O. should come to the fore .front. They should take serious and sincere steps against. All evils of life, including the evil of   should be solved in the name of humanity. Media is said to be the fourth pillar of a society. By touching the hearts of people and making the minds of people, media can move the world. Media can shape public opinion. It has an ample part to play in the war against ____. Similarly, men of letters should write on this evil. Showbiz can also turn to ____ and use their potential against it. If we take it as a national cause, we shall win the war and free our society from the evil of _____.

Let's pause for sometime, let's see what future are we casting for our children? The people of Pakistan are all praise for the steps taken for the advancement of ____. ____  is the only ray of hope for us' and especially for our youth. Many boys and even girls will get a chance to use their talent. Their time and talent is the real wealth of our country. They are the real asset of the nation and the hopes of their families. Youth are the future of a country. They fall an easy prey to such evils because they are immature. If their talent is not set on the right track, they fall an easy prey to social evils. They are not mature. It's our duty to guide them. We should create opportunities for them. Such efforts will be a great national service. The media can also show dramas on this topic. Such steps will surely cut down the spread of the evil of ____ promote ____ far and wide.


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