Monday 24 February 2014


SCHOOL EDUCATION: The term 'School' derived from the Greek word 'Skhole' which means ‘leisure?’ The term leisure associated due to Ancient Greece, broadminded education was not conveyed to all. School education means to improve one’s life style. School education is the basic foundation of every person. Every one gets the basic protocol through school. This is the school education which builds up the future of kids or in other sense, produces a desire to snatch and seize their future and won’t let it go. In ancient times, children learn by duplicating the work of other or their parents or of society and parents thought that this imitation education is enough for the children. But actually it is not enough. But, when the society in which children are living gets into more complexes, then children have to face much difficult challenges of the world. So, this provoked the stipulation for the better education of children and this institution preferred is named as “SCHOOL”. By and by, the knowledge locked by children became so impossible to learn it to home and transmit it to next generations. So, all and sundry starts preferring school that is now considered a sacred institution. The persons who provide the education in schools are called as “teachers”. Teachers are most considered to be the most respective persons in the society because they shape up the children’s mind and produces urge in them to do something ordinary in their life. One of the most important functions of teachers to maintain discipline among children and taught them how to behave like a good person in society. Thus the school performs the important function constantly for the promotion of ethnicity, traditions, nation and civilization. There is so much importance of school education because school also shapes up one’s personality. School broadens the children’s mind and makes them to think widely and sharply. Thus the child not only gets hold of knowledge in school but also learn their attitude towards society and humanity. This helps to build their skills and habits. We should promote the school efficiency because the job which school is doing in now days is no one doing else. John Dewey says, "We send children to school to learn in a systematic way the occupations which constitute living." A child spends period of his life in school for almost ‘Ten’ years. During this life time, when we send our child in school from the right beginning, our child has no more knowledge other than weeping, crying for things, to eat and go out for amusement, but when our child after the school time leaves the school, We see how much educated and liberal he was. He can desciminate between good and evil. He seves himself for serving humanity. There is so much importance of education in our lives because this education makes us living. Without this education we are no more than a living “corpse and dead body”.


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