Sunday 2 March 2014


LACK OF WOMAN EDUCATION: For the steps forward of any country, education is very important. Devoid of education no one can advance in the world. Education is not only ready to lend a hand on country’s progress, but also makes people of that country to show up the entire world. This edification makes up the inhabitants and nations. Now the nation depends upon the “MEN and WOMEN”. These men and women can play a vital role in development of that country. These men and women are two wheels of cart. The nation’s horse and cart can’t run as it should be without any of the wheels is out of order. Napoleon was once asked what the greatest need of France was. He answered, “Motherland’s National progress is impossible without trained and educated mothers”. If any country has uneducated women, then this country is not only at the rear of the world. But nearly be wiped out of the world. The women are the major part of country. These women are continuity of race for any family. Now in the most advanced age of the world, women are still neglected in some of the under developing countries. They should get to know that these women are the light house of society. They have to play a vital role in the progress of their country. Without them they are out of order. If such a large portion is denied the privilege of education the country is bound to lag behind. There are some dogmas still current in their society. These countries thought that women education is the curse on women and society and are disobeying to their duties and husband. We need to change their thoughts for the better advancement of their countries. We should tell them that through this education they can find a better match for their girl. But if the girl is uneducated and inexpert, then she can’t get out of the slums her already living. Thus education will enable females to make their parents, husbands and children truly happy. Consequently, lack in women education can wipe out the name of country from the map of world because “A CART CAN’T CONTINUE ITS JOURNEY WITHOUT ONE WHEEL”. Consequently, by education woman we can lead our country on the road of progress. Through this female education we can make our country’s ecomic development better and can make it more social towards humanity and society. As world is progressing so fast, if we want to compete into this race, then we should our contry’s women for better competion and to go with the competitive pace. Women can make our world a cloud nine. Women education can limit worthless impacts.


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